BrainTap has been added to our services

Brain Tap

Relax, Reboot and Revitalize with BrainTap

Denise and I are always looking for ways we can Level Up our lives.  When we find out new things, we always want to pass them on to as many people as we can.  We are doing that with BrainTap.

BrainTap is a headset that goes over your ears and eyes and uses different lights and sound to activate the healing waves in your brain.  You can get more of the science behind it here.

We know first hand how beneficial therapy is.  With BrainTap, we are super sizing therapy.  Because it helps to get your left and right brain to communicate, it can help create new pathways in your brain which means new behaviors.

Let me tell you my experience in the first week.  I have been working on getting some extra weight off. While I’ve had success focusing on nutrition. I hit a plateau I couldn’t seem to bust.  Since learning about BrainTap, I’ve done the program for Weight Wellness every day.  It’s a different program with guided visualizations and affirmations each day.  Since starting, I’ve broken my plateau and I’m back to losing again. So far 4 lbs in 1 week.

In addition to the weight coming off, I’m feeling more refreshed with more energy, concentration, and productivity through out my day.  Owning and running your own business(es) can be exhausting and rewarding. The renewal I’ve felt in the last week has been refreshing.

We want everyone to try this. Your first session will be free. After that, I’ll tell you about packages and Denise can customize with you which programs to start.

Stay well friends. You are important.